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When does Delaware’s New Permit-to-Purchase a Handgun go into Effect?

Writer: xringsupplyadminxringsupplyadmin
Delaware permit to purchase bill
Senate Substitute No 1 for Senate Bill 2 is the bill that was passed and signed into law in 2024 requiring a permit to purchase a handgun in Delaware.

Current Status

Hello hello! So, Delaware’s permit-to-purchase requirement is not currently in effect and it’s still unclear when it will be. There’s a lot of talk about it, but here’s the gist:

  • It was signed into law on May 16, 2024.

  • According to the bill, it goes into effect 18 months from that date (or whenever all necessary processes are in place).

  • Check out the engrossed version (final version with all amendments) to see the official details.

Possible Timeline

If you do the math, 18 months from May 16, 2024, would be around November 2025. That said, the state also needs to secure funding and establish the actual process. Right now, it’s anyone’s guess. It could be late 2025—or maybe even later if there are holdups. Plus, the DSSA is fighting the law in court, so it could get struck down before going into effect. 

The Basics of the New Requirement

1. You Need a Permit and a Background Check

Once the permit program starts, you’ll need a handgun permit before you can buy any pistol or revolver (basically any firearm designed to be shot with one hand). Then, at the time of purchase, you’ll still do the usual background check. Yes, it’s a two-step process.

2. The Application Info

When you apply for this handgun permit, you’ll have to provide a bunch of personal details. This includes:

  • Name, residence, employer

  • Date of birth, sex/gender, physical description (including distinguishing features)

  • Race, ethnicity, national origin

  • English language proficiency

  • A sworn statement that you’re not a prohibited person

  • Proof that you’re at least 21

You’ll also have to get fingerprinted. The bill says the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) is responsible, but in the past, Delaware’s been using third party companies (like IdentoGo) for prints, so we’ll have to see how that shakes out.

3. Firearms Training Class

A huge part of the application is showing you completed a firearms training class in the last five years. The class must be:

  • Sponsored by state, federal, or county law enforcement, or

  • Offered by colleges, nationally recognized firearms organizations, or

  • A firearms training school with certified instructors.

And here’s the kicker: you must fire at least 100 rounds during your training. So, this isn’t just an online class or quick lecture—you’ve got to actually spend time on the range.

If You Already Have a Delaware CCDW Permit

Good news if you already have your Delaware concealed carry permit (CCDW). You can basically use that as your handgun permit. So if you haven’t gotten your CCDW yet, and you’re planning to buy a handgun down the road, now might be a good time to look into it. 

You should get your Delaware Concealed Carry Permit instead of the Handgun Purchase Permit 

The training course and fingerprinting are required for either permit. To get your DE CCDW Permit you must also gather 5 references that can attest to you being responsible and put your name in the local paper advertising you are getting your CCDW permit.

Lastly - the Delaware Concealed carry permit is valid for 5 years, where the pistol purchase permit is only valid for 2 years. So way fewer renewals, plus you can carry concealed if you choose. Oh, and you can purchase and possess magazines larger than 17 rounds. Read our full article explaining why you should get your Delaware Concealed Carry permit. You can find our article explaining how to get your Delaware concealed carry permit here.

Who’s Exempt?

There’s a list of folks who don’t need to get this new permit. Some of the key exemptions include:

  • Qualified Law Enforcement Officers (active or retired)

  • Sheriffs, Sheriff’s deputies

  • FFL licensees (Federal Firearms License holders)

  • Armored car guards, security personnel, constables

  • Delaware correctional officers, members of the Armed Forces (including reserves & National Guard)

  • NRA-certified instructors

  • People with a valid Delaware hunter safety certificate

  • Competitive shooters with classification cards from recognized shooting associations

(And there may be others—check the actual bill for the full list.)

How to Apply for a Delaware Permit To Purchase

Right now the program is not online, so no applications are being accepted. The bill states that the State Bureau of Identification (SBI) is responsible for processing all applications. Once the program comes on line we will share more information.

Other Details

  • Denials & Appeals: What happens if you’re denied a permit, how long the state has to process applications, and who makes the final call—all that is in the bill.

  • For specifics, give the engrossed version a thorough read:

Final Thoughts

  1. No Set Effective Date Yet: If I had to guess, maybe late 2025, but it could change.

  2. Stay Tuned: The state is working on funding and process details, so expect updates or delays.

  3. Consider Getting CCDW: If you plan to buy a handgun eventually and don’t have a concealed carry permit yet, it might cover you once the new law kicks in.

Until there’s an official announcement, it’s a waiting game. Keep an eye on Delaware’s legislative site or local news for the latest developments.


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