Here we attempt to make a complex and poorly written piece of unconstitutional legislation easier to understand. It is so opaque and complicated that we had to use a three page flow chart to properly break it down so the average person could understand it! If it is all too confusing for you, now worries, we have a curated list of some of our favorite Delaware Compliant Rifles you can purchase.
Our goal is to enlighten Delawareans to what they can still purchase while the bill is being fought in court, and to empower them to exercise their Second Amendment rights.
Remember, this work is for illustrative and education purposes only and is not intended to provide legal advice. Consult relevant statutes and/or a qualified attorney for legal guidance. Make sure to read the engrossed version of HB450, as that was the version that was passed into law, and it contains all the passed amendments.
The full flowchart PDF is available for download at the end of the article.

Page 2: Delaware copycat weapon test for rifles

Page 3: Delaware copycat weapon test for shotguns and the Prohibited Firearm List

Preserving Second Amendment Rights
At X-Ring Supply, our commitment to our community extends beyond just selling high quality firearms. We're dedicated to providing information, guidance, and support as our customers navigate the challenges posed by Delaware's unconstitutional ban. Upholding Second Amendment rights is paramount, and we're here to stand by our customers every step of the way. We strongly recommend that you vote, and join as many gun rights organizations as possible, such as the DSSA, FPC, GOA and SAF.
Trying to figure out what guns to buy in Delaware? Check out our recommendations for the best "Delaware Compliant" rifles, pistols and shotguns.
DOWNLOAD the full Delaware Semiauto Gun Ban flowchart
This work is for illustrative and education purposes only and is not intended to provide legal advice. Consult relevant statutes and/or a qualified attorney for legal guidance.